List of people from Koymasky website
From LGBT Archive
This is a List of Famous GLTB people whose biographies are on the "living room" of the Matt & Andrej Koymasky website. Those marked with an asterisk* are listed on the website, but with no biography.
- "Not all of these people were or are openly Gay / Lesbian / Trasgender / Bisexual. Some of them are just important to GLTB world even if they weren't part of it. Some indeed 'came out' but others, rather, clearly denied it, and they possibly were sincere. So, this list doesn't affirm anything more than they are presumed (for several historical evidences, or just for rumors) to be Gay or, on their own admission, to have 'tried it' at least once, or else, as we said, they just are important to GLTB world."[1]
- Leopold Abse
- J R Ackerley
- Valentine Ackland
- Sir Harold Acton
- Michael W Adler *
- Aelred of Rievaulx
- William Aethling *
- James Agate *
- Mark Akenside *
- Prince Albert Victor
- Alcuin of Tours
- Waheed Alli
- Marc Almond
- Sir Hardy Amies
- Emily Anderson *
- Patrick Anderson
- Queen Anne
- Anselm of Aosta
- Alistair Appleton
- Michael Arditti
- The Duke of Argyll
- Lilias Arkell-Smith
- Joan Armatrading
- Thomas Arne *
- Jake Arnott
- Pat Arrowsmith
- John Ash
- Charles Robert Ashbee
- Louise Ashman
- Sir Frederick Ashton
- Anthony Asquith
- John Atherton
- W H Auden
- William Austin
- Lord Avon *
- Sir Edmund Backhouse *
- Anthony Bacon
- Sir Francis Bacon
- Francis Bacon (artist)
- Bad Boys Inc
- Hermione Baddeley
- Sir Robert Baden Powell
- Derrick Sherwin Bailey
- Fenton Bailey
- Paul Bailey
- Long John Baldry
- Lady Eve Balfour
- David Ball *
- William John Bankes
- John Banting *
- Clive Barker
- Dame Lillian Charlotte Barker
- Tony Barlow
- Barnabe Barnes
- Fred Barnes
- Richard Barnefield
- Neil Barrett
- Sir James Barrie
- Judith Barrington
- John Barrowman
- Dr James Barry
- Michael Barrymore
- Lionel Bart
- Neil Bartlett
- Alan Bates
- Mabel Veronica Batten *
- Andrew Baxter *
- Stanley Baxter
- Rikki Beadle-Blair
- Aubrey Vincent Beardsley
- Sir Cecil Beaton
- William Beauchamp
- Francis Beaumont
- Hugh Beaumont *
- The Beautiful South
- Sir John D Beazley
- William Beckford
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes *
- Aphra Behn
- Andy Bell
- Colin Bell
- Linda Bellos
- Arthur Benjamin
- George Benjamin
- Richard Rodney Bennett
- Arthur Christopher Benson
- Edward Frederic Benson
- Robert Hugh Benson
- Jeremy Bentham *
- Eric Bentley
- Graham Berkeley
- James Bernard
- Baron Gerald Berners *
- Paul Berry
- Bary Ursula Bethell
- Dan Billany
- Julie Bindel
- Sir Michael Bishop
- Kristen Bjorn
- Willaim Blake
- Blondel
- Fanny Blood *
- Bloomsbury Group
- Lionel Blue
- Sir Anthony Blunt
- Tessa Boffin
- Dirk Bogarde
- Anne Cormac Bonney
- David Borrow
- Matthew Bose
- Ernest Boulton
- Dr Ian Boulton
- Matthew Christopher Bourne
- Stephen Bourne
- Leigh Bowery
- David Bowie
- Sir Cecil Maurice Bowra *
- Boy George
- Rev Edwin Emmanuel Bradford
- Katherine Bradley
- Benjamin Bradshaw
- Tom Driberg, Baron Bradwell
- John Bramston
- Alan Bray
- Philip Brett
- Vera Brittain
- Benjamin Britten
- James Brockway
- Bronski Beat
- Steve Bronski
- Rupert Brooke
- John Ellingham Brooks
- Brigid Brophy
- Bros
- Brother Beyond
- Horatio Brown *
- Michael Brown (politician)
- Nick Brown
- William Brown
- Oscar Browning
- John Brunner
- John Fowler Brunner
- Chris Bryant
- Bryher
- Duke of Buckingham *
- Richard Buckle
- Faroukh Bulsara *
- Barbara Burford
- Anthony Burgess
- Guy Burgess
- Peter Burns
- Edward Burra
- Heinz Burt
- Richard Burton (actor)
- Sir Richard Francis Burton
- Kate Bush
- Samuel Butler
- George Butterworth
- The Buzzcocks
- Lord George Byron Gordon
- Sergeant Paul Cahill
- Hall Caine
- Simon Callow
- Gladys Calthrop
- Rhona Cameron
- Michael Camille
- Thomas Cannon
- Bob Cant
- Alexander James Carlyle
- Thomas Carlyle
- Edward Carpenter
- Robert Carr *
- Dora de Houghton Carrington
- Lewis Carroll
- Elizabeth Carter
- Penny Casdagli
- Michael Cashman
- Mervin Tuchet, Earl of Castlehaven
- Dudley Scott Cave
- Richard Cawley
- Graham Chapman
- Charlotte Charke
- Charles Windsor
- Ian Charleson
- Bruce Chatwin
- Ralph Nicholas Chubb
- John Church
- Sarah Churchill
- John Chute
- Charlotte Cibber Charke *
- Michael Clark
- Ossie Clarke
- Arthur C Clarke
- Julian Clary
- Frances Power Cobbe
- Coil
- Peter Coles
- Laurence Collinson
- Maureen Colquhoun
- Robert Colquhoun *
- Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett
- Cyril Connolly
- Jasper Conran
- Eliza Cook
- Edith Cooper
- John Cooper
- Ian Corbett
- Martin Corbett
- Philip Core *
- Lord Cornbury
- Baron Corvo
- Marie Corelli
- Caroline Cossey *
- Jim Cotter
- Christian Coulson
- Viscount William Courtney
- Sir Noël Coward
- Edith "Edy" Craig
- Paul Craig
- John Cyril Cranko
- Quentin Crisp
- Rupert Croft-Cooke
- Aleister Crowley
- Kate Crutchley
- Alan Cumming
- Fiona Cunningham Reid
- John Curry
- Stephen Daldry
- Neal Dalgleish
- Anne Seymour Damer
- Sarah Daniels
- Paul Danquah
- James Davidson
- Jaye Davidson
- Michael Davidson
- Toni Davidson
- Peter Davies
- Peter Maxwell Davies
- Ron Davies
- Russell T Davies
- Terence Davies
- Jill Davis
- Paul Dehn
- Michael De-la-Noy
- Frederick Delius
- Adolph de Meyer
- Edward Dent
- Depeche Mode
- Thomas De Quincey
- Bryan Derbyshire
- Hugh Despenser *
- Colin Devereaux
- Kay Dick
- Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
- Kristian Digby
- Benjamin Disraeli
- Nancy Diuguid
- Dogby Mackworth Dolben *
- Sir Anton Dolin
- Jonathan Dollimore
- John Donne
- Simon Doonan
- Rupert Doone
- Gregory Doran
- Alfred Lord Douglas
- Norman Douglas
- Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu
- Sir Anthony Dowell
- Brian Dowling
- Michael Drayton
- Barrie Drewitt
- Chris Dreyfus
- James Dreyfus
- Tom Driberg, Baron Bradwell
- William Drummond
- Carol Ann Duffy
- Maureen Duffy
- Stella Duffy
- Angela Du Maurier
- Daphne Du Maurier
- Alan Duncan
- George Duncan
- Ian Campbell Dunn
- James Dunseath
- George Dyer
- Richard Dyer
- Jeremiah Dyson *
- Tony Dyson
- Angela Eagle
- Joan Eardley *
- East 17
- Michael J Easton
- John Eddleston *
- Edward II
- Jimmy Edwards *
- John Edwards
- John Menlove Edwards
- T S Eliot
- Annie Ellerman
- Denholm Elliott
- Edith Lees Ellis
- Havelock Ellis
- Kevin Elyot
- Brian Eno
- Brian Epstein
- Erasure
- Viscount Esher
- Arthur John Evans
- Edward de Lacy Evans
- Maurice Evans
- Kenny Everett
- Rupert Everett
- Frederick William Faber
- Tash Fairbanks
- Richard Fairbrass
- Emily Faithfull
- Marianne Faithfull
- Simon Fanshawe
- Eamon Farrel
- Justin Fashanu
- Elleny Thorneycroft Felkin
- Henry Festing Jones
- Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies
- Michael Field
- Michel Finnissy
- Ronald Firbank
- Edward FitzGerald
- Oswald Fitzgerald
- Patrick Fitzgerald
- A T Fitzroy
- John Flaxman
- James Elroy Flecker
- Jason Fleming
- John Fletcher
- Kerry Fletcher
- Phineas Fletcher
- Patricia Marion Fogarty
- Lynn Fontanne
- Reginald Foresythe
- E M Forster
- Jackie Forster *
- Philip Fotheringham *
- John Beresford Fowler
- Simon Fowler
- Jeremy Fox
- Samantha Fox
- Franko B
- John Fraser
- Alan Freeman
- Gavin French
- Sue Frumin
- Peter Fry *
- Roger Elliott Fry *
- Stephen Fry
- John Fubbister
- Sir Adrian Fulford
- Terry Furlong
- David Furnish
- Patrick Fyffe
- Patrick Gale
- Ellen Galford
- John Galliano
- Eva le Gallienne
- Paul Gambaccini
- Ian Gleed
- Montague Glover
- Hannah Gluckstein "Gluck"
- Sue Golding
- Charles George Gordon
- George Gordon, Lord Byron *
- Sir Edward William Gosse
- Edmund Goulding
- Lord Ronald Gower
- Roderick Gradidge
- Augustus Graham
- Cary Grant
- Duncan Grant
- Russell Grant
- Thomas Graunger
- Robert Graves
- Canon John Henry Gray
- Thomas Gray
- Larry Grayson
- G F Green
- Maro Green *
- Noël Greig
- Antony Grey
- Francis Grierson
- Gabriele Griffin
- Reynell Fitzwilliam Grissell
- Sydney Guilaroff
- Alec Guinness
- Thom Gunn
Remainder of the alphabet still to be added.