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Consortium members

. This list is from the Consortium website ( Like other lists on talk pages it will probably be removed in due course, once the individual items have been made into articles on this Wiki and added to Category:Consortium members. --Ross Burgess (talk) 03:27, 19 July 2013 (CDT)

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  1. Project Spectrum
  2. Proud 2 B Parents We provide a service to LGBT parents and their children. This is through groups and events. The service is currently looking for funding to...
  3. Proud2Be Project
  4. Push Project Push Projects is an LGBT youth support charity working with people up to the age of 25. We have a weekly social/support group, provide email and...
  5. Queen Mary LGBT Society Queen Mary LGBT Society seeks the provide a safe and sociable space for Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer and Questioning students and..
  6. Queer Ink Queer Ink is an LGBT writing group in Birmingham, UK. We are an informal, relaxed very friendly group of LGBT people and their friends who love...
  7. Queer Notions Queer Notions promotes the mental health & well-being of lesbian, gay & bisexual people. we offer a safe place where lesbians, gay men...
  8. QUEST
  9. QWEST FTM UK QwesT FTM UK aims to provide a focal point in the UK for Female-toward-Male transsexual, transgender, gender-variant people, and those...
  10. Rainbow Citizen Newsletter The website aims to be a focal point for news, views, events and places of interest

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  1. Rainbow Reading Group
  2. ReachOUT A community to ReachOUT to those who have had to flee their home countries because of the fear of physical or structural violence and...
  3. REGARD Regard was established in 1989 with the following aims: to provide information, advice and support to LGBT disabled people; to raise awareness of...
  4. Schools Out! Working towards equality in education for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people since 1974
  5. SexYOUality & 2BYOU Sexyouality is a registered charity based in cambridge and has fourteen years of experience of working with lesbian, gay and bisexual young...
  6. ShuttleScots Badminton Club ShuttleScots is Edinburgh's relaxed & friendly inclusive Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender group that meets every week to socialise,...
  7. Silver Rainbow Silver Rainbow is a friendly group of older gay people (50+) who meet for lunch twice a month, once on a Wednesday at the Waterside Centre South...
  8. Sister Act! SisterAct is a group for women who like women in the East Anglia region. We provide a lively monthly newsletter and hold regular events,...
  9. South London Gays SLG's main focus is on the monthly meetings with guest speakers. These take place on the second Tuesday of each month at a pub in Clapham, South...
  10. Southwark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Network Southwark LGBT Network is a volunteer member led organisation which works to build and support the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community in...

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  1. Space Youth Project we have been established since October 2002 and support hundreds of LGBT & Questioning young people across Dorset. So, why not get in touch...
  2. Spectrum London An information resource for all trans people and those questioning their gender... ...along with partners, family, friends and allies...
  3. St Peters House Project SPH is committed to providing support services which reflect our values of Choice, Empowerment, Dignity and Respect for everyone infected or...
  4. STAC@Islands Arts Studio Traning & Community (STAC) provides education and training programmes, particularly but not exclusively, for socially and potentially...
  5. StartupOut StartupOut was created as an environment to connect and educate entrepreneurs on how to utilise technology and innovative business methods. The...
  6. Stonewall Stonewall campaigns for equality of lesbian, gay and bisexual people across Britain.
  7. Stonewall Cymru Stonewall Cymru is the all-Wales Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual (LGB) Charity. Our aim is to achieve equality for LGB people at home, at school and...
  8. Stonewall Housing Association Ltd Stonewall Housing is the specialist lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) housing advice and support provider in England. We provide...
  9. Surrey and London Association of Gay Organisations SLAGO is an umbrella group covering a number of social and support groups for gay men and lesbians in various parts of London and the Home...
  10. The Manx Lesbian and Gay Foundation The Manx Rainbow Foundation is a charity set up to support and help the isle of man's gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender community

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  1. Trade Sexual Health Trade Sexual Health is a HIV prevention and health charity based in Leicester for anyone living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Trade...
  2. Trans Media Watch Trans Media Watch is an organisation that aims to combat prejudiced, sensationalist and inaccurate depictions of transgendered people in the...
  3. Trans Resource and Empowerment Centre Based in Central Manchester, TREC provides a wide range of programming and empowerment activities for the Trans community in a safe and...
  4. TransBareAll TBA was set up by Lee Gale and Jay McNeil and was born from the Transtastic Men Calendar, produced in 2008. The aim of the calendar was of...
  5. Transcend Derby Trans Support Group We are a small group of like minded people who have faced or facing the condition of being Trans. The group of friends who have given input to...
  6. TransForum Manchester TransForum Manchester is a Transgender discussion group and mutual peer support forum for all Transgendered people and those in any way questio
  7. Transliving International TRANSLIVING INTERNATIONAL is an international support group and lifestyle magazine for the cross-dressing and transgendered community. Although...
  8. Transpartners We provide support for the female partners of trangendered people - both transsexual and transvestite
  9. Tyneside Young Lesbian Project A group for 13-19 year old women who think they may be or identify as lesbian or bisexual. The group acts as a source of support and offers a space...
  10. Unique Transgender Network UNIQUE is a voluntary organisation supporting trans-gendered people in North Wales and West Cheshire. This web site is about who we are and what...

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  1. UNISON UNISON is Britain and Europe's biggest public sector union with more than 1.3 million members. Our members are people working in the public...
  2. VOICEOUT Theatre We use physical theatre to provide unique personal and artistic development opportunities for LGBTQ+ youth, adults and artists internationally...
  3. Women On Wednesdays Women On Women (WoW) is a social
  4. WS-Midlands LGBT An LGBT staff network
  5. YAY LGBTQ Youth Cornwall At Cornwall Pride in 2008 LGBT PACT asked people what were thier concerns as members of the gay community in Cornwall, the top priority was...
  6. Yorkshire MESMAC Yorkshire MESMAC is part of a group of services that, in addition to our core prevention work with Gay, Bisexual & MSM, includes the BLAST!...