Southampton CHE Group

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Gay Solent newsletter header. this edition included a 10 year history of the Southampton CHE group

Southampton CHE Group was founded in Southampton in October 1972, by members of Portsmouth CHE Group and Bournemouth CHE Group. It was originally called Integroup. It was recognised as a CHE group in April 1973 [1]. The group initially met at David Porter's home, then in 1974 at the Anchor in East Street, Southampton.In 1978 the group moved to the Joiner's Arms, and in 1981 briefly to the Queen's Pub, before moving to the Magnum Club and Rum Runner's. In October 1976 they held a very successful and well attended event at the Haymarket where Quentin Crisp spoke. The CHE Conference was held in Southampton in 1976 from 28-31 May. In 1979 Gay Solent was launched (Southampton, Winchester and Portsmouth(from 1980)) co ordinating and producing a regular newsletter [2]. In April 1979 Southampton had 46 members [3]. A Youth Group was established in 1980 [4]. In about 1977 Southampton CHE helped establish Solent Gay Switchboard. The number was in the 1980s Southampton 37363 and phone lines were available three times a week.


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  1. Amiable Warriors Volume One, page 576.
  2. Gay Solent Newsletter no 41 1982 in the Hall-Carpenter Archives at London School of Economics. HCA/CHE/7/55 provides a ten year history of Southampton CHE
  3. Gay Solent Newsletter no 41 Sept 1982
  4. Gay Solent Newsletter no 41 Sept 1982