Unity Group Wales

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Unity Group Wales is a co-operative of Welsh LGBT organisations. It is a member of the National Hate Crime Partnership.[1]

Affiliated groups include Wipe Out Transphobia.

Unity Identity Centre

The Unity Identity Centre (formally Transgender in Wales) supports, promotes and works with the transgender community in Wales.

Age with Pride

Unity Group Wales run the Age With Pride service, a social gathering of like-minded older LGBT people (anything from the age of 40+).[2]

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  1. http://www.unityproject.org.uk/. Accessed: 2015-06-22. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/6ZTaYy927)
  2. http://www.lgbtconsortium.org.uk/directory/unity-group-wales. Accessed: 2015-06-22. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/6ZTWzdkyF)