LGB without T
LGB without T was the subject of an article by Katie Glover in the Independent newspaper in September 2015 [1]. Glover, a transgender woman and editor of the transgender and drag publication Frock Magazine, pointed out that sexual orientation and gender issues are quite different and challenged the assumption that trans is aligned with gay. She said 'admirable as the fight for gay rights is, it’s not necessarily a transgender person’s turf. In fact, it’s been estimated that the number of trans people who are gay is only about the same as in the wider population'.
About the same time as this article appeared Stonewall Equality Limited concentrated its campaigning resources into trans rights. Commentators pointed out that Stonewall had achieved gay rights and therefore needed a new battle ground to justify its organisation's existence and size. Tension between the LGBT+ campaigners and those wishing to separate the two different strands started to unsettle many gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people. Polarisation of the communities constituting groups became increasingly apparent particularly with the creation of organisations such as LGBAlliance and Sex Matters. Many banners appeared at events such as Pride with the slogan 'No LGB without the T'.