Clifford Williams

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Clifford Williams is a researcher and historian. Clifford grew up as a gay teenager in the London Borough of Sutton in the 1970s and discovered the London Gay Teenage Group in 1978. He wrote about that experience in his book Courage to Be published by the Book Guild in 2021 [1].

Williams studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, graduating with First Class Honours. He then went to study Criminology at Trinity Hall, Cambridge University of Cambridge before embarking on research for a PhD based at the University of Bradford [2].

Williams served as a police officer from 1987-2012, witnessing a transformation of the police relations with lgbt peoples. An article published in the Journal of the Police History Society captures this remarkable turnaround [3]. . While serving as a police officer Williams came out as bisexual.

Williams has given numerous presentations on lgbt history, both in person and online. Some of these presentations are available on You tube [4]
  2. Phd Offenders and Victims of Crime 1997 . A copy is held in the Rotherham Archives
  3. Clifford Williams (2019) 'Gay men and the police 1950-2010' in the Journal of the Police History Society no 33 pp56-60
  4. is an example of a recorded talk.


    2. Phd Offenders and Victims of Crime 1997 . A copy is held in the Rotherham Archives
    3. Clifford Williams (2019) 'Gay men and the police 1950-2010' in the Journal of the Police History Society no 33 pp56-60
    4. is an example of a recorded talk.



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