National LGBT Sports Network

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Network logo
The National LGBT Sports Network is the umbrella group for LGBT sports clubs and individuals in the UK.


Sports Network (The UK network of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Sport Associations) was formed in 2009 by Pride Sports and members of different sports groups out of a need for an umbrella group to represent LGBT sports clubs in the UK. It comprises  a steering committee and member individuals and groups representing every major sport and fitness discipline. Membership is open to groups or individuals who are involved in sport in the UK.

Aims and values

To encourage and promote sport and healthy lifestyles among lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people (LGBT) regardless of race, religion, sex, age or physical ability.

To build a LGBT sports community, linking individuals, organisations, clubs, and associations engaged in LGBT sport, ensuring an effective communication between LGBTs in sport.

To raise awareness about equality and diversity, combat discrimination and homophobia in sport, and working closely with other initiatives and organisations working on sexual orientation grounds.

To promote LGBT engagement in sport and exercise through participation and/or volunteering in sport.

Promote LGBT representation in mainstream sport and encourage LGBT involvement in the wider sporting community from elite to grass roots.

In pursuit of these aims the Organisation will promote equal opportunities and encourage gender parity.


The Sports Network is co-chaired by Louisa Jones and Simon Powell, with secretary Adrian Trett. It was founded by Lou Englefield and Trevor Burchick MBE. Jonathan Harbourne also sits on the steering committee representing London 2018.

External links As of January 2014, website unavailable. Archived version at