Brighton Ourstory

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Brighton Ourstory logo
Brighton Ourstory is a registered charity, set up in 1989 to collect and preserve Brighton's LGB History. The charity's main objectives are :
  • oral history interviews to preserve a record of our lives
  • producing exhibitions, publications, performances to increase awareness of our lives and visibility of our history
  • in the longer term, establishing a lesbian and gay history archive in its own premises.

In April 2013 the charity announced that it was closing. According to its website:

"We are sad to announce that, after twenty-four years of searching out and telling the stories of Brighton's lesbian, gay and bisexual communities and individuals, Brighton Ourstory is unable to continue in this work. Just too tired to go on, we hope we have sown the seeds of interest for those who come after – there is plenty yet to do – and made a bit of history ourselves."

The website is expected to continue.

External sites