Glasgow LGBT Centre

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The Glasgow Gay Centre was opened in Sauchiehall Street, in 1977,one of the first Gay Centres in the UK, following fund-raising by members of the Glasgow branch of the Scottish Minorities Group.[1] It closed in 1982[2] Jimmy Somerville went to the disco at the Centre where he first heard the dance record 'I was born This Way' by Carl Bean [3]. The Glasgow Lesbian and Gay Centre (later renamed the Glasgow LGBT Centre) was opened in Dixon Street (just off St Enoch Square) in 1995.[4] It was then closed for building works, and formally opened in March 1996. In 2008 it collapsed with debts of £300,000.

A new LGBT Centre, known as the Castro Centre, was opened in Bell Street. In 2010 it was closed, amid accusations of financial irregularities.[5][6]


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  3. Jump up Official Jimmy Somerville Fan Page on Facebook; post of 8 September 2021: JS "I was a teenager when I first heard this song at The Glasgow Gay Centre on Sauchihall St. Yes!!! Glasgow had a Gay Centre in the 70s! We sang shrieked danced twirled all our hopes fears joy pain and dreams to that song every Saturday night at the GC Disco ",
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