Absolute Freedom Buddhist Group of SGI-UK

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Soka Gakkai flag with logo
The Absolute Freedom Group are members of SGI-UK,

whose aim is to introduce the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin (a branch of Japanese Buddhism) to the LGBT community.[1]

SGI (Soka Gakkai International) is the international offshoot of Soka Gakkai, It has been described as "the world's largest Buddhist lay group and America's most diverse".[2]


  1. http://londonlgbtalmanac.wikispaces.com/AbsoluteFreedomBuddhistGroupofSGI-UK Article in the London LGBT Almanac
  2. http://www.tricycle.com/interview/faith-revolution Clark Strand, "Faith in Revolution" Tricycle Magazine 2008 volume 4