Sex Matters

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Sex Matters is a human-rights organisation that campaigns for clarity on sex in law and policy. Their website states 'We were founded because of the widespread, shameless, unlawful discrimination faced by people who hold and express gender critical beliefs [1]. One of the board members was Maya Forstater who was a successful claimant in the legal case which found that discrimination against people on the basis of gender-critical beliefs is unlawful. Forstater is now CEO of Sex Matters. In April 2024 Sex Matters announced that their application to be registered as a charity had been accepted by the Charity Commission [2]. The charity's objectives are to : promote human rights where they relate to biological sex, advance education about sex and the law, and promote the sound administration of the law in relation to sex and equality in the law.

The board of trustees is Naomi Cunningham (chair), Dr Michael Biggs, Rebecca Bull, Julia Casimo (treasurer) and Dr Emma Hilton.

The charity document and monitor acts of violence by trans rights activists against gender critical speakers and supporters, as well as against women's organisations [3].


  1. Accessed 1 July 2023
  2. 5 April 2024 (accessed 6 Apr 2024)
  3. (accessed 6 Apr 2024)