London Pride

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Gay Pride Marches, subsequently re-branded as Pride Marches and now Pride Parades (see Pride) have been held in London since the early 1970s.

  • 1971: There was a small march in 1971, organised by the GLF youth Group, starting with a Gay Day in Hyde Park and then a march down Oxford Street and Regents Street to Trafalgar Square.[1] There were about 200 marchers and a large number of police.[2]
  • 1972: The first Gay Pride March under that name was held on the 1st of July 1972 and was organised by GLF. The date was chosen to be the nearest Saturday to the Stonewall riots of 1969.[3]


  1. No Bath but Plenty of Bubbles, p 109
  2. Out of the Shadows, p 59.
  3. Out of the Shadows, p 61.