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- ...stcliff.jpg|thumb|View across the Thames Estuary from Westcliff-on-Sea]]'''Westcliff-on-Sea''' is a seaside resort within the borough of [[Southend-on-Sea]], [[ The palaywright [[Rodney Ackland]] was born in Westcliff in 1908, and the activist [[Peter Ashman]] was born there in 1950.385 bytes (50 words) - 09:51, 5 September 2016
Page text matches
- He was born in [[St Albans]], spent his childhood in Libya, Lebanon, and [[Westcliff-on-Sea]], and studied law at [[King's College London]].6 KB (876 words) - 19:58, 26 June 2022
- ...stcliff.jpg|thumb|View across the Thames Estuary from Westcliff-on-Sea]]'''Westcliff-on-Sea''' is a seaside resort within the borough of [[Southend-on-Sea]], [[ The palaywright [[Rodney Ackland]] was born in Westcliff in 1908, and the activist [[Peter Ashman]] was born there in 1950.385 bytes (50 words) - 09:51, 5 September 2016
- ...y of Anglo-Jewish History'', Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, page 13.</ref> in [[Westcliff-on-Sea]], Essex, the son of a Jewish businessman and Ada Rodney, a famous P9 KB (1,500 words) - 08:45, 10 September 2016